Facebook integration now live! 
October 12, 2008
We have finally launched the very sought after Facebook integration. The Zaplife Facebook application connects your Facebook account to Zaplife allowing you to view channel entries, make comments and vote directly on Facebook as well as including a profile tab with latest entries. Your Facebook friends will get notified when a new entry is posted on Zaplife through the Facebook news feed. This is a great way to increase your exposure as well as keeping your friends up to date.The features of the Facebook integration are:* News - Facebook news stories are created when you post on Zaplife.* Profile - Add a profile tab to your Facebook profile with your latest Zaplife posts.The Zaplife application includes these features:* Startpage - View, comment and vote on the latest posts from the channels you subscribe to.* Facebook friends - View posts from your Facebook friends that you might not have as friends on Zaplife.* My entries - View your own posts and see if you have any new comments.* Feeds - Access your Zaplife feeds page directly on Facebook for daily news from the internet.* Invite friends - Invite your Facebook friends.To get started follow these steps:1. Login to Facebook and click on this link. 2. Add and authorize the Zaplife application to your Facebook account.3. On the Zaplife application login to Zaplife with your normal Zaplife login. This is done once.4. Approve "Offline Access". This is needed for the integration to work properly.5. Add the Zaplife tab to your profile. Click on the + tab after your last tab on your profile to add the Zaplife tab.6. Bookmark the Zaplife application and add it to your application bar.7. Your done!
