Cheryl Jones
237 photos
Indian Territory
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Wisdom of the Four Winds

Slap Happy 
February 21, 2015
Awakened with a significant headache between the eyes this morning. No real cause, that I can pin down. Decided to let it flow so I proceeded as normal at 610 a.m. onto the beach for a walk. Highest tide I've seen here with gusty winds and great surf. A sugar sandblast blew across the beach and left a shine where it alighted on the wet beach surfaces. Very pretty to behold.

Sped on into town following my walk as I felt that coffee, a biscuit and people watching might relieve my thoughts of headache pain; distraction, carbs, protein and caffeine. As I wrote, read and chatted with Shannon, the bartender, I watched the 10 a.m. drinking crowd begin their day of mimosas, bloody marys and jager? shots. Hair of the dog following a night of Mardi Gras drinking is my guess.

Meditative reading was profound today, Tapas * which literally means "to burn". We burn off pain, suffering, dark nights of the soul. As a log burns off from the outside and eventually becomes the fire, we too burn through the hurts, the loss, the life challenges. In this way, each crisis can become a celebration, as burning through it we are renewed into a more evolved self. We burn as stars....

As the slap of this beaver in Lillypad Pond, I'm slapped with the idea that each wound becomes a blessing. Wow! The spray of that image IS the the burn of a bright star. We are not left unmarked by the wounds, rather the scar tissue is the reminder of the compilation of the blessings of experience.

St. John of the Cross had his Dark Night of the Soul, Jacob wrestled with a Being, an Angel?, in the end Jacob requested a blessing and was named Israel. Both were left changed, scarred, a limp here, a lifetime of illness there yet better for the trial.

Catharsis does not leave us unscarred, we become changed with each wound, with each blessing. When we allow our heart to break open, our soul shines through each crevice.