Holy Trinity Church II Georgia 
September 6, 2018
Holy Trinity Church II Georgia
这里有世界上离天空最近的教堂,就这样隐秘而伟大地在山巅矗立,见证着高加索文明的风雨和变迁。云在山谷,我在云中。在两千一百七十米的山峰之上建造一座教堂实属“登峰造极”,八百年前的创建者可曾想到这样一座教堂在今后的岁月里成了乔治亚的象征,饱经磨难却屹立不倒。Near the village of Gergeti, outside the town of Stephantsminda, in Georgia, lies the isolated Gergeti Trinity Church. Also called the Holy Trinity Church, it sits on top of a mountain near Mount Kazbegi, one of the highest and most beautiful peaks of Caucasus, at an elevation of 2170 meters. The 14th century Georgian orthodox and apostolic church is a popular waypoint for trekkers in the area, and can be reached by a steep climb for 3 hours, or in half an hour by local taxi up a rough mountain trail.
  Ilce-9 Fe 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 Oss