Jamie Darrow
9 photos
I'm an aspiring Marine Biologist with a knack for photography.
Around town at night #iphoneography 
February 6, 2012
Here are a few photos I captured and edited using only an iPhone 4s and an iPad.
Old Cars 
February 4, 2012
An old car restoration facility is only a few blocks from where I live. Four days a week for the past year I've walked by an assortment of old cars with a four legged friend of mine, and every time I imagined all the beautiful shots I could have been capturing. One day I finally brought my camera and decided to capture the beauty of what some people may call scrap metal. Here are only a few shots of one of the cars in the lot(I am no car expert so if you know the make and model of this car I'd be glad for you to tell me) .

Let me know what you think!
New York City #iphoneography 
February 4, 2012
First zaplife upload!