Jo Saquing
57 photos
Our eyes would see something else different from what others see on the same lens.

Selectively Lit 
February 26, 2012
There are moments in life when we are more lit than the others, but we have to accept that, at times, others are more lit than us for one reason or the other. We have our own light to shine on us. We have to wait for it and enjoy the brightnesswhen it comes. There is nothing more unfair when you grab somebody else's light to shine on you when it is not yet your time... Yes you... Imagine a 9-ball game when players are in full concentration on how to win, and suddenly you direct any of those 4 lamps towards your face just to say "I'm here!". By just swinging those hanging pool table lamps during a game, you might get a 'dirty finger'. How much more with taking them for you to be noticed? If I am one of the players, I would create the 7th pocket out of your mouth.