Lilian Lili
43 photos
Home sweet home 
October 27, 2006
On the 22/12/2006 I will be going home after 6 months in Berlin, I know, it is ridiculous considering the fact that it is not that expensive to travel from Berlin to Stockholm. What can I say, I'm  a lost soul or more less like a bird that do know where home is but still fly away.  Even though I like it here in Berlin I can't wait to get home to stockholm, to all the snow, coldness...... Yes I like it cold! And thats way I will be going to Iceland for new year. I think...... No,  I know it will be fun. People, it is official, I'm coming home.
June 22, 2006
  • Kiss kiss baby.
    Kiss kiss baby.
  • The almost best of france.   E4300
    The almost best of france.
  • Pipi chulo.   E4300
    Pipi chulo.
  • Strange.   E4300
  • Mmmm.   E4300
  • He was hot trust me.   E4300
    He was hot trust me.
  • Refreshment.   E4300
  • Our new friends.
    Our new friends.
  • Girls night out.
    Girls night out.
Show all 13 photos
June 15, 2006
Spain is a very fantastic place to go, if you are a party animal as Tinga and I. We actually went out every day and the clubs closes at 7 o'clock in the morning. Guess when we went home? One time we have alot to drink, so we decided that to take a swim in the middle of the night. It was actually fun, but terrible afterwards because we started frezzing since we jumped into the sea fully dressed, stupid :D. Anyway, Costa del sol gets 8 out of 10 points from me .
Wonderful Berlin 
June 4, 2006
I do not know why I thought that berlin is not a place for me. My bad.. I take it back, Berlin rocks. The Berliners are very nice and helpful and the boys are seriously cute and down to earth. 8) Now, I just have to pack for Malaga. I hope it will be as pleasent as Berlin. oooh I know it will be, I will be hooking up with Tinga and Tinga and I is a very bad combination :D . We usually party like hell. I can't wait!
June 3, 2006
  • Red light man with a hat.   E4300
    Red light man with a hat.
  • Art gallery.   E4300
    Art gallery.
  • Biggest train station.   E4300
    Biggest train station.
  • Alexander platz.   E4300
    Alexander platz.
  • Tv tower.   E4300
    Tv tower.
  • Church maybe. I do not remember what that is the only thing io know is thanks to hitler it looks the way it does now  E4300
    Church maybe. I do not remember what that is the only thing io know is thanks to hitler it looks the way it does now
  • Dscn1166.   E4300
  • Dscn1167.   E4300
  • Dscn1168.   E4300
Show all 16 photos
May 27, 2006
Nu på tisdag åker jag till tyskland hehe. Jag är så nervöst men glad att jag ska åker. Det bästa delen med resan är att jag betalar ingenting och det värtsa är att jag måste presentera mitt arbetet på en konferens där ner. IAF jag ser fram emot resan. Förresten Tinga, va inte orolig, jag kommer hem från berlin på lördag den 3/6 och min avresa till Malaga är 5/6, så jag hinner. Glöm inte att skicka via email address och beskrivning hur jag ska ta mig till dig från flygplasten. Tschüß
May 12, 2006
Nemo and Louise.   E4300
Nemo and Louise.
Nemo. I found Nemi in china  E4300
Nemo. I found Nemi in china
May 4, 2006
  • Me. On the great wall  E4300
    Me. On the great wall
  • Me.   E4300
  • The summer palace park. The longest painted wooden coridal on earth  E4300
    The summer palace park. The longest painted wooden coridal on earth
  • The forbidden city. Beijing  E4300
    The forbidden city. Beijing
  • The nine dragon wall. The photographer was high only five dragon seen  E4300
    The nine dragon wall. The photographer was high only five dragon seen
  • Nice picture. Do not remember taking the pic  E4300
    Nice picture. Do not remember taking the pic
  • The mable boat. Do not mind prince charming gettin one of those for me  E4300
    The mable boat. Do not mind prince charming gettin one of those for me
  • The famous duck resturang. Yamiyami  E4300
    The famous duck resturang. Yamiyami
  • Mmm. The meny today consist of the delicious Chinise snake served with rice and green tea  E4300
    Mmm. The meny today consist of the delicious Chinise snake served with rice and green tea
Show all 12 photos